Should You Go to the Puppy Play Group with Your Puppy?

Most new puppy owners ask themselves a very elementary question shortly after the small dog child moves in: “Should I go to the puppy play group with my puppy?”

The size of the puppy group is crucial

One of the most important learning goals of a puppy group is the further learning and practicing social competence. This is about the puppy gaining as much good experience as possible with other puppies or adult dogs. If a dog has the opportunity to learn that his attempts to communicate with other dogs are worthwhile, an important cornerstone is laid in dealing with other members of the species. The smaller the puppy group, the better the trainer can supervise game units. The game partners should fit together well in size and temperament. A good game is always balanced and reciprocal.

In puppy play the rule is: less is more!

Puppies are quickly tired and often overwhelmed by many impressions. Playing is also very tiring. If the dog’s arousal level increases during a long game phase, the likelihood that undesirable behavior will occur, such as changing his dog, several dogs chasing a dog (bullying) or excessive snaping and biting. Negative experiences can be avoided in advance: good observation of the dogs, anticipatory action by the trainer and short, high-quality play units. Game and training sessions should alternate.

A good learning atmosphere is important

All participants in a puppy lesson – whether human or dog – should feel comfortable during the lesson. A friendly tone, a sympathetic trainer and a lot of fun with the training create a good learning atmosphere. It is also important that each human-dog team is addressed individually, so that the training can be designed to be highly effective and targeted. In addition to learning a high level of everyday practicality for the dog, theoretical learning content is also important for the dog owner: How do dogs communicate? How do you correctly assess the body language of the four-legged friends? How do I intervene in time if my dog ​​feels uncomfortable in the game? Ideally, people and dogs learn together.

Stay away from training methods that cause fear in the dog

Imagine yourself in a state of stress and fear: learning at such a moment is very difficult for you, isn’t it? In the worst case, learning cannot even take place. The learning behavior of our four-legged friends is the same. If the dog is under the influence of fear or stress, learning becomes almost impossible. If, for example, punishment by intimidation (alpha throw, snout handle, splashing water), pinching, kicking, loud scolding, leash pushing, spiked collar, spray collar, throwing chains, training discs and electric collars are used during the training session “for education”, it is not only the trust between humans and dogs sustainably damaged but also favors fear and stress.

Should I go to the puppy play group with my puppy?

In order to be able to finally answer this question, many factors play a role. How big is the puppy group? Are the dogs encouraged according to age? What experiences can the puppies have in the puppy group? Is there a good learning environment – for humans and dogs? What training methods are used? Before the puppy moves in with you, you should look at different groups in advance. So you can get a comprehensive picture, after all, not only should your four-legged friend be well, You too should feel comfortable and have fun while studying. Not only the dog learns in the dog school you too..



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