5 Key Dog Behavior Factors In Training A Dog

Each and every dog owner should apply particular training techniques and exercises to develop a proper behavior at their dog. However, there are a few crucial aspects of performing successful dog training.

  1. The evolution

It is a well-known fact that dogs were domesticated from wolves. Even though this process caused losing some primary attributes, they still kept a few of them, such as the tendency of living in packs. Therefore, dogs are incredibly sociable and friendly animals. These characteristics make them extremely easy to train. They are likely to interact with humans because they see people as different looking dogs. If they are in lack of interaction, dogs may become upset because they will feel like rejected. You can use this advantage in a training purpose.

Their behavior is routine. Once they learn particular exercises, dogs will perform them pretty comfortable in any circumstances. This is exactly how to set up a training schedule. Select the time and stick with it. Your dog will soon fall into a routine, and it will become aware of the training time. The results will be much better.

Each and every pack must have their alpha male. It is a leader who protects the other members of its pack and provides them with food. Since your dog sees you as a bigger dog, it will most likely challenge you to prove your leader traits. However, to make training successful, you must put yourself in a head position at the very beginning. Otherwise, your dog will not listen to you. As the alpha male, you will have to provide food regularly, adjust your tone, and interact through reward and punish system.

  1. The memories

Dogs do not have the ability to memorize things for an extended period. However, they have incredibly good power of association. If you tell your dog something, it will most likely forget it after a couple of hours. But if you say something and associate it with other action or object, your dog will easily remember the thing you said. So, if you just say where the food is, your dog will forget it quickly. However, if you demonstrate it how to get that particular food and at the same time you pronounce the food’s name, it will immediately go after that food whenever you tell its name. You can use this technique during the training. Teach your dog how to sit and reward it with a piece of food every time it completes your command successfully. Once it learns this exercise, it will automatically sit whenever it sees that you are holding food.

  1. The language

Try to select easy words and phrases during the training that your dog will be able to remember. Do not choose too common words because they can confuse your dog whenever you mention them in a sentence out of training. So, it is much better to use ‘come here’ than just ‘come.’ Whatever words you choose, stay consistent and do not change them. The tone is also important because combining the wrong tone with the correct command will not give any effect. Using synonyms will also result in a fail. If you have not taught your dog particular commands, words, and phrases, shouting will not help. Your dog will stare at you, and it will not be able to understand why you are shouting and what do you want to say.

  1. The puppies

They do not have an idea about good and bad things. Therefore, they tend to smell and chew objects. Puppies are usually full of energy and desire to explore various things and objects. You will have to be patient and invest a fair amount of time and effort in training a puppy. Pay attention to its natural behavior to determine the kind of temperament and character. Depending on breed, some dogs tend to learn faster while others will require more time to overcome particular exercises. Do not forget that you are starting from zero.

  1. The structure

There are specific periods when your dog can learn particular actions. It is called a training structure. You must choose the ultimate level of training that you want your dog to achieve. Therefore, it is necessary to make some preparation steps before accomplishing that final point. Training your dog yourself is better than hiring an expert trainer because you can create a much stronger connection and get to know it better. If you do not have any experience, you can find and purchase some useful guide. There are many affordable dog training guides out there. You want to make sure that you follow the right structure.

A short training is a great option. However, if your dog is enjoying the training, there is no reason not to adjust it. However, if a dog does not seem to be interested at the moment, you should not force it. Instead, wait a bit until it is ready to start. Once your dog gets used to the schedule, it will automatically prepare itself and be aware of the training’s length.

Once you understand the way your dog behaves in particular situations, you will get ideas about setting up training correctly. The training will significantly help you create a better relationship with your pet. Regardless of the training structure, always remember to stay patient and organize enjoyable training.

Dog Tips And Tricks