What To Do When Your Dog Throws Up Food. Tips and Precautions You Should Know

puppy pug

When you own a dog, there are bound to be many wonderful moments. But owning a dog also comes with its fair share of challenges. Dog ownership can be stressful at times – and having to clean up vomit is one of the less enjoyable side effects of having a dog in your life.

In general, dogs will throw up once or twice after eating too fast or consuming something inappropriate for them (e.g., bones). However, if your dog continues to throw up frequently, you should take notice as this could be an indication that something is wrong with your pet.

Given that throwing up food is such a common problem among dogs, we’ve compiled some helpful information on what to do when your dog throws up food and some precautions you should keep in mind the next time your pup eats anything.

What to Do When Your Dog Throws Up Food

First and foremost, you should always try to figure out the cause of your dog’s throwing up episodes. A vet will be able to help you determine what’s causing your dog to throw up their food.

Below are some of the most common reasons why dogs throw up their food:

– Eating too fast – A change in diet – Bacterial or viral infections – Gastrointestinal parasites – Liver or kidney diseases – Weight issues – Certain medications – Food allergies – Intestinal obstruction – Metabolic disorders

While most dogs will fully recover from throwing up food, it is essential that you carefully monitor your pet’s health to make sure that they don’t suffer from any other health issues.

Tips When You Find Out Your Dog Has Thrown Up Food

If your dog throws up after eating, there are a few things you should do: – Observe how frequently your dog throws up. If your dog throws up only once or twice and then recovers fully, there is no cause for concern.

However, if your dog continues to throw up, you should take them to a vet. – If your dog throws up after eating, try feeding them a bland diet for a few days. You can opt for canned dog food or boiled chicken and rice.

Avoid feeding them anything spicy as these foods can cause your dog to throw up even more. – If your dog only throws up food a few times, you may want to consider changing their diet.

You can also consult a vet to help you determine the best diet for your dog. – If your dog throws up yellow or green liquid, this could be a sign of an infection. If your dog throws up yellow or green mucus, this indicates that they have an irritation in their gastrointestinal tract.

What to Do After Your Dog Throws Up Food

If your dog has thrown up their food, you should take note of how many times they have done so and how much they have thrown up. If your dog has ingested food that is not suitable for them, they may throw up as their body attempts to get rid of the undigested food.

Throw up that contains food is safe for you to clean up with a cloth or paper towel. You should also put whatever remains of the food into a plastic bag and throw it away. If your dog has thrown up blood, you should take them to the veterinarian immediately. If your dog has thrown up yellow or green liquid, you should take them to the veterinarian when it’s convenient for you.

How to Stop Dogs from Throwing Up Food

If your dog has thrown up food a couple of times, you may not have to do anything about it. However, if your dog continues to throw up their food, you should talk to your veterinarian to determine the cause. Once you’ve diagnosed the issue, you can work with your veterinarian to find a solution.

A few ways you can help curb your dog’s throwing up food include: – Feeding your dog smaller meals – Feeding your dog more slowly – Feeding your dog a different diet – Feeding your dog a special diet for dogs who throw up frequently – Feeding your dog a diet that helps their stomach produce more acid – Giving your dog a probiotic – Giving your dog an antacids – Giving your dog a digestive enzyme – Giving your dog a special enzyme that breaks down food


If your dog is throwing up their food, you need to take action quickly. You should take note of how often they’re throwing up and what they’re throwing up. If you notice that your dog is throwing up more than once, it’s likely that they’ve eaten something they shouldn’t have.

In that case, you should keep an eye on your dog and make sure they don’t continue to eat the same thing over and over again. If your dog continues to throw up after you’ve stopped them from eating something they shouldn’t have, you’ll have to take them to the veterinarian to determine the cause of their throwing up.