How To Choose the Right Guard Dog for Your Family

What is the best guard dog?

Guard dogs are one of the most essential parts of a security system. They’re there to protect your home, family, and other assets from intruders. But finding the right guard dog for your family can be tricky; it depends on a lot of different factors. Do you have small children?

Are you looking for an activity for your pet instead of a loyal guardian? Do you plan to train your dog yourself or hire someone else to do it? Do you want a friendly pet that won’t scare away visitors or cause unnecessary barking when people arrive?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, then this guide is for you! These types of dogs are some of the most useful security tools available. They can help deter burglars by detecting approaching sounds or smells and alerting their human guardians when strangers get too close.

Their presence gives burglars something else to think about so they don’t spend as much time trying to break in as they should. And they’re great companions; many guard dogs love spending time with their families and making new friends. So if you’re interested in getting one, keep reading!

What is a Guard Dog?

Simply put, a guard dog is a dog that is trained to protect a specific property or area. Many times, these areas are homes; other times, it can be a business or other location.

Regardless of the location, having a guard dog is essential if you want to prevent burglars from breaking in. These types of dogs are some of the most useful security tools available.

They can help deter burglars by detecting approaching sounds or smells and alerting their human guardians when strangers get too close.

Their presence gives burglars something else to think about so they don’t spend as much time trying to break in as they should.

And they’re great companions; many guard dogs love spending time with their families and making new friends. So if you’re interested in getting one, keep reading!

How do you train a guard dog?

Training your guard dog is key to ensuring that it does its job properly. It’s important not to get frustrated if your dog is having a hard time learning new tricks, but you should be patient.

That said, there are two main ways to train a guard dog. The first is to train the dog to perform certain tricks using food.

This may seem like a strange approach at first, but it’s actually a great way to teach your dog to be a good guardian while using only positive reinforcement.

Food is a natural reinforcer, so your dog learns that it gets a reward every time it performs a trick correctly. It’s also a great way to introduce your dog to new tricks, like sitting and waiting before guests arrive.

The second way to train a guard dog is to have it perform a basic obedience command, like “stay” or “come.”

The most common guard dog breeds

While there are many different guard dog breeds, the two most common are the German Shepherd and the Anatolian Shepherd.

These dogs are great at protecting homes, but they’re also good with families and can be great therapy dogs. The German Shepherd is a large breed that’s been used for decades as a protector. It’s often used for police work, but it’s also popular as a guard dog.

This breed needs a lot of exercise and activity, so it’s not the best choice for people who live in small apartments.

The Anatolian Shepherd is a smaller breed that’s primarily used as a guard dog. Like the German Shepherd, it needs a lot of activity and exercise to be happy and healthy, so it’s not ideal for people who live in small apartments.

The Anatolian Shepherd is a very loyal dog who will defend its family and property to the very end.

How active dogs can be useful in your security scheme

Many owners choose breeds that are mostly active because they feel like this will create a better protector. While this is true for some breeds, it’s not necessary.

Having a dog that’s active, but not overly so, can be a good solution for many families. Active dogs tend to have a higher energy level and need a lot of exercise to stay happy and healthy.

This can make them a bit difficult to train, so it’s important to find a physical activity that your dog loves. If you find one, make sure it involves enough exercise so your dog doesn’t get bored and frustrated while you’re trying to train it.

Otherwise, the dog may develop an unhealthy obsessive need to run, jump, or do whatever it can to stay active. If you live in an apartment building or other places without a lot of room for your dog to run, you may want to look into harnessing its energy with something else.

Which guarding breeds are right for inexperienced guardians?

The two most common breeds used as guard dogs are the German Shepherd and the Anatolian Shepherd. These breeds are great protectors and make great pets, but they can be challenging to train.

If you’re not familiar with dog training, it’s best to start out with a smaller breed. These dogs are also notorious for having high energy levels that can overwhelm new owners.

Why You Shouldn’t Get a Purebred Guard Dog

While many people love the idea of owning a purebred dog, you should think carefully before bringing one into your family. Purebred dogs can face a high mortality rate, and cross-breed mixes are still much more common than they were a few decades ago.

This means that your purebred dog may not live as long as you think it will, which can be stressful for both you and your family. Purebred dogs are also usually more expensive than mixed breeds.

While mixed breeds tend to cost less than purebreds, it’s important to think about the long term. You may find that a mixed breed is cheaper in the long run because it doesn’t have the health issues that come with purebred dogs.


Guard dogs are one of the most useful security tools available. They can help deter burglars by detecting approaching sounds or smells and alerting their human guardians when strangers get too close.

Their presence gives burglars something else to think about so they don’t spend as much time trying to break in as they should. And they’re great companions; many guard dogs love spending time with their families and making new friends.

You don’t have to be wealthy or live in a wealthy neighbourhood to get a guard dog. Even poor people can protect their homes using the right type of dog. These dogs are a useful tool that can help prevent burglars from entering your home and stealing your belongings.