Do Great Pyrenees Bark A Lot? Tips To Manage Excessive Barking

Are you tossing and turning at night as your Great Pyrenees gives voice to every whisper of the wind? Believe me, I understand that struggle. It’s true, these noble dogs come with a built-in alarm system — they were originally bred to sound off while on guard duty with their flocks.

Through my own deep dive into research and quite a bit of trial and error, I’ve gathered some tried-and-true strategies for reclaiming the quiet of the night. Stick around; tranquil slumbers may be just around the corner!

Key Takeaways

  • Great Pyrenees naturally bark a lot due to their instincts as guard dogs. They use different types of barking—such as alert, excitement, warning, fear, frustration, attention-seeking, and intimidation—to communicate and respond to various stimuli.
  • Managing excessive barking in these dogs involves identifying the triggers that cause the behavior and using positive reinforcement techniques like desensitization and counter-conditioning. This helps change their emotional response to certain stimuli.
  • Training your Great Pyrenees with commands such as “quiet,” along with providing plenty of exercise and mental stimulation can significantly reduce excessive barking.
  • Creating a calm environment for your dog by minimizing exposure to stressors or anxiety – inducing situations is key. Use white noise machines or calming music as needed to keep external noises at bay.
  • If you’re facing challenges with training on your own, consider enrolling in online courses for guidance or seek help from professional trainers familiar with the breed’s specific needs.

Reasons Why Great Pyrenees Bark

Great Pyrenees bark for various reasons, including protection/alert barking, excitement barking, warning barking, fear barking, guard barking, frustration barking, attention-seeking barking, and intimidation barking.

Understanding these reasons is crucial in managing excessive barking behavior.

Protection/Alert Barking

I’ve noticed my Great Pyrenees has a strong instinct to protect his territory. This natural guardian tends to bark loudly when he perceives a threat or something unfamiliar in his surroundings.

He’s not just being noisy; it’s his way of alerting me that he senses potential danger. It’s impressive, really, how vigilant he can be.

Teaching him what is and isn’t a threat requires patience and consistent training. I use positive reinforcement to help reduce the frequency of false alarms without discouraging his protective instincts.

Now, if we consider why they might also bark out of excitement, it’s another piece of the puzzle in understanding their vocal behavior.

Excitement Barking

Imagine the doorbell rings or I pick up my Great Pyrenees’ favorite toy. Immediately, she erupts into a series of joyful barks. This excitement barking is her way of expressing enthusiasm and happiness.

It happens during playtime, when greeting family members, or when she senses an upcoming walk. Sure, it’s endearing to see her exuberant vocalizations, but sometimes it can be excessive.

To manage this bubbly behavior without dampening her spirit, positive training comes into play. I use rewards to teach her calm greetings and self-control techniques that help reduce barking frequency.

The key is patience and consistent practice with commands like “quiet” or “sit.” Coming up next in our discussion is how Great Pyrenees express themselves through warning barks – another important aspect of their communication we need to understand better!

Warning Barking

Moving on from the joy-triggered barks, let’s talk about warning barking. My Great Pyrenees isn’t just a fluffy companion – he’s a vigilant guardian too. Whenever something seems off or unfamiliar in his territory, he’ll bark to alert me of potential danger.

This type of vocalization is more than just noise; it’s an instinctive call to action that says, “Hey! Pay attention!”.

I’ve noticed this behavior is particularly strong at night. It turns out that nocturnal barking is quite common for the breed and ties back to their history as flock protectors working under moonlit skies.

To manage this reactive barking, I work on identifying what my dog perceives as threats and teach him through positive training that not everything unfamiliar warrants a full-blown alarm.

Reducing the frequency of these warning alerts involves patience and consistent training techniques – but always without raising my voice or getting upset because that could increase his stress levels and lead to even more noise.

Fear Barking

Fear barking is a common behavior in Great Pyrenees. When startled or feeling threatened, they may bark excessively to express their fear and anxiety. It’s essential to identify the triggers causing fear barking and work on desensitizing your dog to those situations through positive reinforcement training techniques.

Redirecting attention from the source of fear with toys or treats can help in managing fear barking. Consistent exposure to fearful stimuli in a controlled environment can also assist in reducing the intensity of this type of barking over time.

Understanding and addressing your Great Pyrenees’ fears is crucial for effectively managing fear barking and creating a calmer, more secure environment for your pet.

Guard Barking

Guard barking is a natural instinct for Great Pyrenees, serving as their duty to protect their territory and family. To address guard barking, it’s essential to train your dog to differentiate between real threats and everyday occurrences.

This can be achieved through positive reinforcement training methods, ensuring that they understand when it’s appropriate to bark and when to remain calm.

Consistent training and socialization will help your Great Pyrenees become more discerning about potential threats, reducing unnecessary guard barking while maintaining their protective instincts.

Frustration Barking

Frustration barking occurs when your Great Pyrenees is unable to reach a desired goal. For instance, they may bark out of frustration if they are confined and can’t reach something or someone that they want.

This type of barking is often accompanied by pacing, whining, and other signs of agitation. To address frustration barking, it’s essential to identify the source of their frustration and work on providing alternative outlets for their energy.

Redirecting attention from the source of frustration and engaging them in activities that stimulate both their mind and body can be effective strategies. It’s crucial to create an environment that minimizes situations where they might become frustrated.

Providing mental stimulation through interactive toys or games and ensuring regular exercise can help reduce pent-up energy that leads to frustration barking.

Attention-Seeking Barking

Transitioning from the frustration barking to attention-seeking barking, it’s essential to understand that attention-seeking barking is often a learned behavior. Great Pyrenees may resort to this type of vocalization when seeking interaction or acknowledgment from their owners.

In my experience, addressing attention-seeking barking involves using positive reinforcement techniques such as rewarding quiet behavior and ignoring excessive barking. Additionally, providing mental stimulation and regular exercise can redirect your dog’s focus away from seeking attention through barking, ultimately reducing this behavior.

Redirecting attention away from the need for constant interaction is crucial in managing attention-seeking barking in Great Pyrenees. It requires consistent training and patience but can lead to substantial improvements in reducing excessive vocalization.

Intimidation Barking

Transitioning from attention-seeking barking, intimidation barking is another form of vocalization that Great Pyrenees may exhibit. This type of barking generally occurs when they perceive a threat or feel the need to intimidate an unfamiliar person or animal.

It’s important to address this behavior through positive training techniques and by creating a calm environment to minimize their need for intimidation barking. Understanding the root cause of this behavior can help in effectively managing and reducing it, ensuring a harmonious living environment for both your dog and those around them.

Identify triggers such as specific people, animals, or situations that lead to intimidation barking. Desensitization and counter-conditioning are essential in changing their response to perceived threats.

How to Train Your Great Pyrenees to Stop Barking

Identify triggers that cause your Great Pyrenees to bark excessively, such as strangers passing by or loud noises. Use desensitization and counter-conditioning techniques to help them become less reactive to these triggers.

Teach the “quiet” command using positive reinforcement and redirect their attention to more appropriate behaviors when they start barking.

Identify Triggers

To address excessive barking in Great Pyrenees, I use the following method to identify triggers:

  • Observe your dog’s behavior around specific stimuli that may lead to barking.
  • Note any patterns or common factors that trigger barking episodes.
  • Keep a journal to record the times and situations when your Great Pyrenees engages in excessive barking.
  • Pay attention to the environment, people, animals, or noises that provoke barking reactions.
  • Take note of your dog’s body language and vocalizations when triggered by different stimuli.
  • Analyze the root causes of these triggers and their impact on your dog’s barking behavior.


To address the triggers that prompt excessive barking, desensitization can be an effective technique. This process involves exposing your Great Pyrenees to the stimuli that typically trigger barking in a controlled and gradual manner. This can help your dog become less reactive over time and reduce their urge to bark excessively.

  • Gradually introduce the trigger at a distance where your dog remains calm and relaxed.
  • Maintain this distance until your Great Pyrenees is consistently calm in the presence of the trigger.
  • Slowly decrease the distance between your dog and the trigger as they become more comfortable and show reduced reactivity.
  • Reward calm behavior with treats or positive reinforcement to reinforce their relaxed response to the trigger.
  • Be patient, as desensitization can take time and consistency to yield results.
  • Consult a professional trainer if you encounter challenges or need guidance during the desensitization process.


To address excessive barking in Great Pyrenees, counter-conditioning is effective. It involves changing your dog’s emotional response to the trigger of barking by associating it with something pleasant. This can be achieved by:

  1. Pairing the trigger with treats or toys to create a positive association.
  2. Gradually exposing your dog to the trigger at a distance and rewarding calm behavior.
  3. Repeating these exposures at increasing levels of intensity to build positive associations.
  4. Consistently rewarding calm responses to the trigger to reinforce the new behavior pattern.
  5. Using patience and consistency as counter – conditioning takes time and practice.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an effective technique to train your Great Pyrenees to stop excessive barking. Here are some ways to incorporate positive reinforcement in your training:

  1. Rewarding quiet behavior with treats or verbal praise.
  2. Using clicker training to mark and reward moments of silence.
  3. Providing toys or activities as a reward for calm behavior.
  4. Ignoring barking and only giving attention when the dog is quiet.
  5. Pairing the absence of barking with pleasurable activities such as walks or playtime.
  6. Incorporating training games that reward silence, such as “find it” games or puzzle toys.

Teach the “Quiet” Command

Teaching the “Quiet” command is essential to manage excessive barking in Great Pyrenees. It helps to redirect their attention and promote calm behavior. Follow these steps to effectively teach the “Quiet” command:

  1. Start by using a trigger that typically prompts your dog to bark, such as a doorbell or a knocking sound.
  2. As soon as your dog begins barking, say “Quiet” in a firm but calm tone.
  3. Wait for a moment of silence, even if it’s very brief, and then immediately praise and reward your dog with their favorite treat or toy.
  4. Practice this consistently every time your dog barks, gradually increasing the duration of quiet before rewarding them.
  5. Avoid shouting or scolding when using the “Quiet” command, as it may escalate the barking behavior.
  6. Be patient and consistent in practicing the “Quiet” command to help your Great Pyrenees understand what is expected of them.

Redirect Attention

To further manage excessive barking, it’s important to redirect your Great Pyrenees’ attention from the triggers that prompt them to bark. Here are some effective ways to achieve this:

  • Engage your dog in interactive games and activities to divert their focus away from the source of their barking.
  • Use toys or puzzles that require mental stimulation, such as treat – dispensing toys, to keep your dog occupied and less likely to bark unnecessarily.
  • Train your Great Pyrenees to respond to a specific command, such as “look at me,” which redirects their attention towards you instead of focusing on the cause of their barking.
  • Introduce new experiences and environments to help broaden your dog’s exposure and reduce hyper – reactivity towards certain stimuli.
  • Incorporate regular training sessions that encourage positive behaviors and reinforce the bond between you and your Great Pyrenees.
  • Implement a consistent routine for walks, playtime, and meal schedules to provide structure and prevent boredom or frustration that may lead to excessive barking.

Providing Exercise and Mental Stimulation

To reduce excessive barking in Great Pyrenees, it’s crucial to ensure they receive adequate exercise and mental stimulation. Here are some ways to achieve this:

  1. Regular walks: Taking your Great Pyrenees for daily walks or runs can help burn off excess energy and reduce the likelihood of excessive barking.
  2. Interactive toys: Providing toys that offer mental stimulation, such as puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys, can keep your dog occupied and mentally engaged.
  3. Training activities: Engaging in obedience training, agility courses, or other training exercises can challenge your Great Pyrenees both physically and mentally, keeping them from becoming bored and resorting to excessive barking.
  4. Playtime: Spending quality playtime with your dog through games like fetch, tug-of-war, or hide-and-seek can provide physical exercise while also strengthening the bond between you and your pet.
  5. Mental challenges: Introducing new experiences and environments to your Great Pyrenees, such as visiting different parks or engaging in new activities, can provide mental enrichment and prevent boredom-induced barking.

Creating a Calm Environment

To create a calm environment for your Great Pyrenees, make sure to provide a peaceful and safe space for them. This can be achieved by:

  1. Designating a quiet area in your home where your dog can relax without disturbances.
  2. Using calming scents such as lavender or chamomile to promote a tranquil atmosphere.
  3. Playing soft music or white noise to mask external noises that may trigger barking.
  4. Ensuring regular exercise and mental stimulation to help your dog release excess energy and reduce anxiety.
  5. Establishing a consistent daily routine to provide structure and minimize stress for your Great Pyrenees.
  6. Limiting exposure to stressful or overstimulating environments, especially during the training process.
  7. Providing comfortable bedding and cozy hiding spots for your dog to retreat to when feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

Managing the Environment

To create a calm environment for your Great Pyrenees and manage excessive barking, it’s essential to:

  1. Provide a designated quiet space within your home where your dog can retreat when feeling overwhelmed or anxious.
  2. Use white noise machines or calming music to minimize external noises that could trigger barking episodes.
  3. Ensure ample opportunities for physical exercise and mental stimulation by establishing a regular routine of walks, playtime, and interactive toys.
  4. Minimize exposure to potential triggers such as unfamiliar people or animals by strategically arranging the living space and using barriers when necessary.
  5. Implement consistent daily routines to help your Great Pyrenees feel secure and reduce stress levels.
  6. Utilize calming pheromone diffusers or sprays in areas where your dog spends the most time to promote relaxation and decrease anxiety.
  7. Keep your dog’s living area tidy and organized, as clutter can contribute to heightened anxiety in some dogs.
  8. Create a peaceful atmosphere during nighttime hours by dimming lights and avoiding loud activities before bedtime.

Online Training Courses

I discovered that online training courses can be a convenient and effective way to address excessive barking in Great Pyrenees. These courses offer step-by-step instructions and demonstrations, allowing me to learn at my own pace from the comfort of home.

I appreciated the flexibility of being able to access the material whenever it suited me, and the option to revisit specific lessons as needed. The interactive nature of these courses also provided opportunities for me to ask questions and seek advice from experienced trainers, making it feel like a personalized learning experience tailored to my dog’s needs.

By enrolling in online training courses specifically designed for managing excessive barking, I gained valuable insights into understanding my Great Pyrenees’ behavior and learned practical techniques for reducing barking frequency and intensity.

Tips for Managing Excessive Barking

To manage excessive barking in Great Pyrenees, it’s important to understand your dog’s favorite reward and teach obedience commands. For more tips on reducing barking frequency and intensity, check out the full blog post!

Understanding Your Dog’s Favorite Reward

Understanding your dog’s favorite reward is crucial when training them to stop excessive barking. Whether it’s a tasty treat, a favorite toy, or verbal praise, knowing what motivates your Great Pyrenees will help reinforce positive behavior and discourage incessant barking.

By identifying their preferred reward, you can effectively use it as a tool for obedience training and redirecting their attention from barking at perceived threats or stimuli.

Observing your Great Pyrenees’ responses to different rewards during training sessions will provide valuable insight into which stimuli are most effective in modifying their behavior.

Understanding this preference will allow you to strategically utilize the favored reward to encourage quiet behavior and deter excessive vocalization.

Teaching Obedience Commands

To further manage excessive barking in Great Pyrenees, it’s essential to teach them obedience commands. This helps in redirecting their behavior and reinforcing positive actions. Here are some obedience commands you can teach your Great Pyrenees:

  1. “Sit” – Teach your dog to sit on command. Use treats and verbal praise as positive reinforcement.
  2. “Stay” – Train your dog to stay in one place until given the release command using consistent practice and rewards.
  3. “Come” – Practice calling your dog to come to you and reward them when they respond appropriately.
  4. “Heel” – Teach your dog to walk beside you without pulling on the leash, rewarding them for staying by your side.
  5. “Leave it” – Train your dog to ignore or leave items or distractions upon command, providing rewards for compliance.
  6. “Drop it” – Encourage your dog to release an object from its mouth using treats as motivation.

Identifying the Root Cause of Barking

Excessive barking in Great Pyrenees can result from various triggers and underlying reasons. Understanding the root cause of your dog’s barking is crucial for effective management. Here are some key points to help identify the root cause:

  1. Observe the specific situations or stimuli that provoke barking, such as strangers approaching the house, other animals, loud noises, or being left alone.
  2. Pay attention to your dog’s body language and vocalizations during different types of barking to determine the emotional state associated with each instance.
  3. Consider any changes in environment, routine, or family dynamics that could be contributing to stress and anxiety in your dog.
  4. Consult with a professional trainer or behaviorist to gain insight into any breed – specific traits or tendencies that may influence excessive barking in Great Pyrenees.
  5. Keep a record or journal of your dog’s barking episodes to identify patterns or trends over time, helping you pinpoint potential triggers and causes.
  6. Take note of any medical issues that could be causing discomfort or pain, leading to reactive barking behaviors in your Great Pyrenees.
  7. Evaluate your own interactions and responses during instances of barking to determine if unintentional reinforcement or encouragement may be contributing to the behavior.

Giving your Dog an Alternative Behavior

After identifying the root cause of your Great Pyrenees’ barking, providing an alternative behavior can redirect their focus. Introducing alternative behaviors can help manage excessive barking. Here are some effective alternative behaviors to redirect your dog’s attention:

  1. Interactive toys or puzzles that require mental engagement.
  2. Teaching and rewarding your dog for calm behavior during potentially triggering situations.
  3. Engaging in obedience training exercises to shift focus from barking to following commands.
  4. Providing a designated safe space where your dog can retreat when feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
  5. Incorporating physical activities such as walks, runs, or playtime to release excess energy.
  6. Practicing relaxation techniques like massage or gentle grooming sessions to promote calmness.
  7. Utilizing chew toys and bones as a positive outlet for natural chewing instincts.
  8. Introducing scent games or training with scent – related activities to stimulate their sense of smell.
  9. Implementing obedience commands like “sit” or “down” as an alternate response to potential triggers.
  10. Encouraging quiet play with interactive games, offering mental stimulation while minimizing noise.

Using Specific Commands

When training your Great Pyrenees to stop barking, using specific commands can be an effective way to redirect their behavior. These commands can help you communicate with your dog and manage excessive barking. Here are some specific commands to consider:

  1. “Speak” and “Quiet” Commands: Teaching your dog the “speak” command followed by the “quiet” command can help them understand when it’s appropriate to bark and when to stop.
  2. “Leave It” Command: Training your Great Pyrenees to leave whatever is triggering their barking can help reduce reactive barking at perceived threats or stimuli.
  3. “Come” Command: Calling your dog back to you with the “come” command can redirect their attention from the trigger, helping to prevent excessive barking.
  4. “Go to Bed” Command: Teaching your dog to go to a designated spot or bed can provide a structured alternative behavior when they feel the urge to bark.
  5. “Enough” Command: Using this command consistently can signal that the barking should cease, providing a clear cue for your Great Pyrenees.
  6. “Look at Me” Command: Redirecting your dog’s focus onto you with this command can help interrupt barking episodes and encourage calm behavior.
  7. “Stay” Command: Training your dog to stay in place during situations that typically trigger barking can help them remain composed and reduce excessive vocalization.

Practicing with Triggers

To practice with triggers, start by identifying the specific situations or stimuli that elicit excessive barking from your Great Pyrenees. Then, gradually expose your dog to these triggers in a controlled environment. This can involve using a recording of the trigger if it’s not readily available or creating scenarios that simulate the trigger. Next, as you introduce the trigger, observe your dog’s reaction and behavior closely. Once you have identified the trigger and its effect on your dog, use positive reinforcement techniques to redirect their attention and encourage calm behavior. Additionally, ensure that you remain calm and assertive during these exercises to set a positive example for your Great Pyrenees.

Seeking Professional Help

If training efforts don’t yield results, engaging a professional dog trainer or behaviorist can provide customized guidance to address your Great Pyrenees’ excessive barking. A qualified expert can identify underlying triggers and develop an effective behavior modification plan tailored to your dog’s specific needs.

They specialize in understanding canine communication and offer invaluable insights into modifying your pet’s vocalization habits.

Considering the challenging nature of excessive barking, reaching out to a professional allows for comprehensive support in managing this behavior effectively. Ongoing assistance from a knowledgeable trainer ensures personalized strategies for minimizing your Great Pyrenees’ bark frequency and intensity.


In conclusion, managing excessive barking in Great Pyrenees requires patience and consistent positive training. Teaching obedience commands and redirecting attention from barking can help reduce its frequency.

Identifying triggers, practicing with specific commands, and seeking professional help when needed are key to effectively managing excessive barking behavior in these majestic dogs.


1. How can I tell if my Great Pyrenees barks excessively?

You can determine excessive barking in Great Pyrenees if it persists for long periods without apparent reason, or occurs frequently throughout the day.

2. Can training reduce a Great Pyrenees’ excessive barking?

Yes, training using positive reinforcement techniques and consistent commands can help to manage and reduce excessive barking in Great Pyrenees.

3. Are there specific triggers that cause Great Pyrenees to bark excessively?

Common triggers for excessive barking in Great Pyrenees include territorial behavior, loneliness, boredom, stress, or unfamiliar noises and activities.

4. What are effective methods to manage a Great Pyrenees’ excessive barking?

Methods like providing regular exercise, mental stimulation, socialization, and rewarding quiet behavior can effectively manage a Great Pyrenees’ excessive barking.

5. Should I seek professional help if my dog’s excessive barking persists despite efforts to manage it?

Yes, consulting with a professional dog trainer or veterinarian is advisable if your efforts do not successfully address your Great Pyrenees’ ongoing issue of excessive barking.