At What Age Should You Get A Great Pyrenees: Growth, Traits, And Training Guide

Pondering the ideal moment to introduce a Great Pyrenees into your life can be as perplexing as it is thrilling. Trust me, I understand the back-and-forth of timing our lives with the arrival of these majestic creatures.

And let’s not forget, we’re talking about a pup that may tip the scales at over 100 pounds fully grown! This article is brimming with knowledge on their growth stages, distinctive behaviors, and training necessities to help you pinpoint precisely when your world should welcome one of these benevolent behemoths.

So let’s jump in together and discover just when to begin this heartwarming adventure with your future fluffy companion!

Key Takeaways

  • Great Pyrenees puppies grow fast, achieving nearly full size by one year old but continue to fill out until two years. They generally live between 10 and 12 years.
  • Training and socialization should start early due to the breed’s strong independence streak, with consistent obedience training being vital from a young age.
  • Regular veterinary check – ups are essential for managing potential health concerns like joint issues and genetic conditions such as hip dysplasia.
  • Ideal time to adopt a Great Pyrenees puppy is at around 8 – 10 weeks of age when they can still bond well with their new family while having benefited from initial littermate interaction.
  • Proper diet, exercise, grooming, and mental stimulation contribute significantly to the overall health and longevity of Great Pyrenees dogs.

Great Pyrenees Growth and Development

Great Pyrenees puppies grow rapidly in their first year, reaching about 50-60% of their adult weight by the time they are six months old. They typically reach full maturity and sexual maturity around 2-3 years old, with a lifespan of 10-12 years.

Growth and weight chart by age

Alright, let’s dive into the growth and weight chart for a Great Pyrenees. These gentle giants have quite the growth spurt as puppies, and it’s fascinating to track their progress. So, I’ve put together a little chart to help you visualize how they grow over time.

Age Weight Range (lbs) Approximate Size (% of Adult Size)
3 Months 25-40 30%
6 Months 50-75 60%
9 Months 75-100 80%
1 Year 85-110 90%
1.5 Years 90-125 95%
2 Years 100-160 100% (Full grown)

Keep in mind these numbers are just estimates. Individual pups grow at their own pace. For example, you might notice your Great Pyrenees reaching near full size around the one-year mark, but they’ll continue to fill out and gain muscle until about two years of age. Feeding them a balanced diet and making sure they get proper exercise is key to managing their growth effectively. Remember, these dogs are massive, and any health concerns tied to weight can be magnified simply due to their size.

Maturity and sexual maturity

As our Great Pyrenees puppies fill out the weight chart, their journey toward adulthood includes hitting milestones in physical and sexual maturity. Around six to nine months of age, you can expect your pup to experience its first signs of puberty.

This developmental stage is crucial for various reasons, including behavior changes and reproductive capacity. Females may go into heat, while males might start to exhibit territorial marking or show interest in females.

Understanding these changes helps us provide better care during this transitioning period. Spaying or neutering at an appropriate time can manage some behaviors associated with sexual maturity and contribute to longer-term health benefits.

It’s essential to consult with a vet about the best timing for these procedures, as they play a significant role in your Great Pyrenees’ overall wellbeing throughout its life stages.

Life expectancy

Understanding the life expectancy of a Great Pyrenees is crucial before welcoming this majestic breed into your home. These gentle giants live, on average, between 10 to 12 years. This is a typical lifespan for large breed dogs, and with proper care, they can be wonderful companions during these years.

I always emphasize regular vet check-ups and maintaining a healthy diet because it can greatly influence their longevity. Additionally, keeping them mentally stimulated and physically active helps in ensuring their well-being which could potentially extend their life span beyond expectations.

It’s not just about having them around; it’s about giving them quality of life every single day.

Traits and Characteristics of Great Pyrenees

Great Pyrenees are known for their gentle and calm personality, making them great family pets. They also have a strong independence streak, so proper exercise and training are essential to ensure they become well-behaved companions.


The Great Pyrenees breed is known for its gentle and affectionate personality. They are loyal, calm, and self-assured, making them excellent family pets. Their intelligence and independence can sometimes lead to stubborn behavior, but with proper training and socialization from an early age, they make devoted companions.

Understanding their strong guarding instincts and giving them a job or purpose will help channel their protective nature into positive behaviors. With patience and consistent leadership, owners can enjoy the loving nature of these majestic dogs.

These large breed dogs require regular exercise to keep both their bodies and minds healthy. Providing them with activities that engage their natural instincts as livestock guardian dogs can help fulfill their exercise needs while strengthening the bond between pet and owner.

Exercise and training needs

Great Pyrenees puppies require consistent exercise to keep them healthy and fit. Training should begin early to establish good behaviors. Here are important exercise and training needs for Great Pyrenees puppies:

  1. Regular walks: Take your puppy on short, frequent walks to help with socialization and exercise.
  2. Playtime: Engage in interactive play sessions to keep your puppy mentally stimulated and physically active.
  3. Obedience training: Start basic obedience training early to ensure that your Great Pyrenees understands commands and boundaries.
  4. Socialization: Expose your puppy to various people, animals, and environments to promote well-rounded behavior.
  5. Mental stimulation: Provide puzzle toys or engage in training activities that challenge your puppy’s intelligence.
  6. Positive reinforcement: Use rewards like treats and praise to encourage good behavior during training sessions.
  7. Consistency: Maintain a regular schedule for exercise, feeding, and training sessions to establish routine and discipline.

Health concerns

Health concerns include potential joint issues due to their large size and rapid growth, so monitoring weight and providing proper nutrition is essential. Regular exercise helps maintain good muscle tone and prevents obesity, which can lead to additional health problems.

Additionally, Great Pyrenees are prone to certain genetic conditions such as hip dysplasia and patellar luxation, which may require early intervention or ongoing management by a veterinarian.

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for identifying any health issues early on and ensuring overall well-being. Preventative care through vaccinations, parasite control, dental care, and regular grooming also plays an important role in maintaining the health of these gentle giants.

When is the Right Age to Get a Great Pyrenees

The right age to get a Great Pyrenees is crucial for their training and socialization, so be sure to consider all factors before bringing one into your home. To learn more about the ideal age for adoption and the importance of training and socialization, keep reading!

Considerations for potential owners

When considering getting a Great Pyrenees, it’s essential to evaluate your living situation and lifestyle. Because of their large size and exercise needs, they are best suited for homes with ample space, such as a yard or rural areas where they can roam freely.

Additionally, potential owners should be prepared for the grooming requirements of this breed due to their thick double coat that sheds heavily twice a year, requiring regular brushing and maintenance.

Furthermore, Great Pyrenees are known for their strong-willed nature and need consistent training and socialization from an early age. Prospective owners should be ready to invest time in obedience training and provide plenty of opportunities for positive interactions with other dogs and people.

Ideal age for adoption

When considering the ideal age for adopting a Great Pyrenees, it’s crucial to strike a balance between the puppy’s physical and emotional development. Typically, reputable breeders or rescue organizations suggest adopting a Great Pyrenees puppy at around 8-10 weeks of age.

This period allows them to benefit from essential socialization with their littermates and mother while still being young enough to form strong bonds with their new family.

Adopting a Great Pyrenees at this stage gives owners ample time to start training and instill good behaviors early on. It also ensures that the puppy has received initial vaccinations and medical care, setting them up for a healthy future.

Importance of training and socialization

Upon adopting a Great Pyrenees, it’s vital to prioritize their training and socialization from the very beginning. Early introduction to positive reinforcement techniques can help cultivate good behavior and prevent common issues like excessive barking or guarding tendencies.

Proper socialization with other animals and people will assist in shaping a well-adjusted and confident adult dog. Consistent training helps harness their intelligence, making them responsive companions in any setting.

Engaging in early obedience training coupled with regular exposure to various environments is crucial for the development of a balanced Great Pyrenees. Combining firm yet gentle guidance, along with frequent positive interactions, ensures that they grow into well-mannered and sociable pets respected within their communities.


When choosing to bring a Great Pyrenees into your family, it’s crucial to consider the pup’s growth, traits, and training needs. Understanding their development stages will help you make an informed decision about when to welcome them home.

Properly timed adoption can set the stage for a healthy and well-adjusted pet. It is essential to be mindful of training requirements at different ages for your furry friend’s optimal health and happiness.

Canine experts recommend considering these factors carefully before deciding on the right time to adopt a Great Pyrenees companion.


1. When should I start training my Great Pyrenees?

Start training your Great Pyrenees as soon as you bring them home, typically around 8-10 weeks of age.

2. How big do Great Pyrenees dogs grow?

Great Pyrenees are large breed dogs and can reach a height of 25-32 inches at the shoulder, weighing between 85 to 160 pounds when fully grown.

3. What are the important traits of a Great Pyrenees?

Great Pyrenees are known for their intelligence, loyalty, protective nature, and gentle demeanor with family members and other pets.

4. Do Great Pyrenees require extensive grooming?

Yes, Great Pyrenees have thick double coats that require regular brushing and occasional bathing to keep them clean and healthy.

5. At what age do Great Pyrenees puppies stop growing?

Great Pyrenees puppies usually reach their full size by the age of 12-18 months but continue to mature mentally until they are about two years old.